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The Our Voices Blog

highlighting the diverse voices of lived experience around sibling sexual trauma.

Behind the Dark Night
I cover my eyes
Shame held tight
It’s safe in here
But dark as night...
Shame held tight
It’s safe in here
But dark as night...

Chained, but Reclaimed
I was too young to name the night,
too naïve to flee or fight.
My body froze, my breath ran cold,
while hands took what I couldn’t hold...
too naïve to flee or fight.
My body froze, my breath ran cold,
while hands took what I couldn’t hold...

Pyramid of Responsibility
Young people are responsible for carrying out harmful or abusive actions, but it would be inappropriate to place the responsibility that lies with family or society onto their shoulders.

My Adult Child Sexually Abused Their Sibling when They Were Kids
What do I say now to the one who was responsible for causing harm as a child, but is now an adult?

We're Not Alone!
Learn about other sites on the web, also devoted to sibling sexual abuse--or whatever term the author coined to describe their experience.

Risa Shaw & Not Child's PLay
Meet Risa Shaw & hear her story of publishing Not Child's Play, an anthology featuring 56 pieces of visual and written art created by 35 female SSA survivors, a generation before #MeToo.

The Unraveling
Jane, a survivor of sibling sexual abuse, shares her process of grief giving rise to hope.

A Mother's Prayer (a poem)
This weight is double—a love bruised on both sides, for the child who wounded, and the child left wounded.

A Two Way Street
Alice Perle, SSA survivor, shares words of wisdom for other survivors who have not yet spoken about the abuse they experienced.

(How) Do I Tell My Mom?
As a parent who has been on the other side of disclosure, what do I have to say to you, a teen or adult considering telling your parents that your sibling crossed your sexual boundaries and caused trauma that you are now dealing with?

40 Years I Kept his Secret, and It Almost Killed Me
Creative Dana shares her art and poetry. "Chasing a fantasy, living in make believe. Believing it could all go away..."

What Do Parents Need?
Brandy Black's article for safeguarding professionals, from NOTA News, summer 2024

LGBTQIA2S+ Sibling Sexual Abuse Survivors
Caitlyn Jean shares their art, and their solidarity for other SSA survivors who are questioning or exploring their sexuality and gender.

Alice's Perspective for Parents: An Adult Daughter's Journey
Alice Perle shares advice for parents of adult survivors, from the perspective of herself as an SSA survivor who disclosed in adulthood.

The Trauma Prism
The wounds of SSA had damaged our relationships with our daughters long ago — without us knowing anything about it.

Dear Younger Ann,
A husband's letter to his wife, as she was as a young girl--and to survivors everywhere.

To the Partners...
"Dale" follows up his letter to his wife with a letter to other partners of survivors.

A Mother's Lament: Irreparable Damage
Amber shares a poem that resonated with many parents in our support group.

Forgiving My Younger Self for Staying Silent About My Sibling Sexual Abuse
Phil reflects on his reality as a boy and his journey as a man after being sexually abused by his brother.

A Mother's Shattered Heart: Finding the Strength
Heather, Brooke's mother, shares her victim impact statement, as a parent and secondary victim of sibling sexual abuse.

Finding My Voice to Bring Forth Change
Brooke, age 16, shares the victim impact statement which she read at her brother's sentencing hearing.

A Vicious Cycle
Cofounder Maria Socolof describes a piece of the complexity of her healing process.

To Professionals, From a Parent
Cofounder Brandy Black shares feedback based on her own journey.

Stop Downplaying What It Was
Survivor Alice Perle shares a poem and short excerpt from her memoir, Resolve.

How to Keep Your Child Safe-At Home
Survivor and Therapist Brinn Langdale shares information on protecting children from child sexual abuse in the place it is most likely to happen: their own home.
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