Be Ready to Believe
Listen - Believe - Support
Although numbers are impossible to know for sure...
Sibling sexual trauma is probably about as common a childhood experience as having a food allergy.
One in ten children are estimated to be sexually abused by their 18th birthday.
One in four Black girls in the US are thought to be sexually abused in childhood.
Most don't tell anyone until later in life.

If anyone, of any gender, of any age, talks about having unwanted or abusive sexual experiences as a child,
it is important to believe them and support them.
What Do I Say? How Do I Respond?
​Take it seriously. Stay calm and show concern.
Be patient. Give the person plenty of time.
Listen carefully. Your eyes and ears are more important than your words.
“I’m glad you told me.”
“It was not your fault.”
“Is there anything else you would like to tell me?”
“Let’s find some help for this,” (child/teen) or "Is there any way I can help you deal with this?" (adult)
You don’t have to know much or provide everything they need.
If it is a child or teen, you DO need to persist in helping until a qualified adult takes the child’s safety and well-being seriously.
More tips on talking to children, if they tell you about abuse or think it may be happening, from Darkness to Light.
More guidance on following up on reported or suspected sexual abuse of a child at The Mama Bear Effect