5WAVES, Inc. 501(c)(3)
5WAVES, Inc. is organized and operated as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible in the US.
Contact info@5waves.org for IRS letter or proof of nonprofit status.
The five co-founders of 5WAVES serve fully as volunteers.
We offer our services and information free of charge to all who need them.
We rely on donations and grants to cover expenses.
For donations via other means, email info@5waves.org
2024 Highlights & Accomplishments

5WAVES made great strides in 2024, from receiving full 501(c)(3) approval from the IRS, to our first-ever meeting of all five co-founders in person, publication of our first co-authoried research collaboration, and connecting with dozens of others in the SSA community both online and at in-person conferences.
Read more below!
Events (Presentations)
Fox Cities area Social Workers’ Resource Fair hosted table with SSA and 5WAVES information
SiblingsToo Day 15 April (online) participated as panel members: Adult Survivors Speak Out
NOTA International Conference 1-3 May presented: Framing Sibling Sexual Trauma from Lived Experience
University of New Hampshire Violence Prevention Research Conference 14-16 July presented: Current Trends in Harmful Sexual Behavior Toward a Sibling
Thriving Survivors Conference 10 October *First In-Person International Conference Devoted to Sibling Sexual Abuse* presented: Keynote and Panel Discussion
SaFest, Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership 29 November (online) presentation: Supporting Families Affected by Sibling Sexual Trauma and Abuse: Perspectives from Lived Experience
Events with 5WAVES & SSA represented by non-cofounder volunteers: Georgetown Day School Summit on Sexual Assault and Consent, Envision: the Future of Prevention, Johns Hopkins University
Online presence/support
53,252 unique visitors to siblingsexualtrauma.com website; 99% new visitors
5,998 unique visitors to 5waves.org website
Our Voice Blog: 18 new blogs, by 14 authors with lived experience
Moderate and participate in Parents FB group (994 members)
Moderate and participate in Discord support community (103 members)
Participate in Empower Survivors' FB Survivor support group (956 members)
Journal, Child Abuse & Neglect: The parental experience and emotional response to sibling sexual abuse: When a parent's most valuable gift becomes a source of trauma Lewin, Black, Socolof, Talmon
5WAVES Public awareness and response flyers, UK, AU, & US English versions, translated to Spanish, Finnish, & Swedish by Protect Children
Psychology Today Blog: How Should Parents Respond to Sibling Sexual Behavior? with SAARA
Article in NOTA News professional organization newsletter, by Brandy Black
The Sunday Times Magazine Revealed: The Hidden Crime of Sibling Sexual Abuse includes quotes from 5WAVES cofounders
Quote and feedback for NSPCC Report, Understanding and Responding to Sibling Sexual Harm and Abuse
I Feel Real Guilty, memoir in print and audiobook by Jane Epstein
Podcasts and Interviews
SARSAS Survivor Focus Group guided development of survivor support resources for UK-based organization
True Memories Campaign, with IncestAWARE
Contribution to Incest AWAREness Guide, with IncestAWARE
Our Voice Survey, with Protect Children
Hollyoaks (UK television series) SSA storyline consultation
AIM Harmful Sexual Behaviour Between Siblings Practice Guidance (preview and promotion)
SSTA Aware, input on SSTA presentations for university students
Thank You to our collaborators, volunteers, donors, and supporters.
We are all in this together!